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Funny Birthday Quotes
Birthdays. Some people love them. Some people hate them. Personally, I’m all for a day spent focused on me, celebrating me and you know, getting presents for me. And just quietly I like to think of myself as a fine wine, I totally get better with age. Birthdays are seriously the best.
However, not everybody shares my love of celebrating the day we were born and participating in all sorts of birthday-centric activities. In fact, many people like to ignore the day altogether (calm down Debby Downers). So I thought we’d put together some funny birthday quotes to help your friends and family cope with their impending doom, I mean impending birthday because life doesn’t have to be so serious. We’re not getting out alive anyway!
Birthday Wishes To Make Your Mother Giggle
• Happy birthday, mum! Oh, and by the way thanks for the genes that gave me these rocking good looks.
• I wanted to make sure you got a nice birthday card because you’ve had to put up with a lot of obnoxious behavior over the years……. But enough about dad. Happy Birthday!
• You really are my favourite mum! Happiest Day of Birth!
• Happy Birthday to the family member I’m least ashamed of to be related to.
• Count your blessings, not your wrinkles! Happy B’day Mum!
• Don’t worry about getting older mum! Our age is just the number the world has been enjoying us for!
• Cheers on your birthday mum! One step closer to adult underpants!
• Happy Birthday to a mum that is smart, good-looking and funny. Love your daughter, who you’ve clearly passed these traits onto.
Funny Birthday Messages For Your Dad
• Happy birthday Dad! If you ever need validation in the form of a present. Just look at me! I’m the most attractive present you’ve ever received.
• Happy birthday Dad! I would have gotten you a card with a heartfelt saying on it. But then we would have to back-slap it out like men. No-one needs to see that.
• Dad! Age is just a number. But in your case a really high one!
• Happy birthday to the world’s greatest farter. I mean FATHER!
• Dear Dad. I’m wishing nothing but smiles for you on your birthday. With the teeth, you still have of course!
• Dad. I wish I was more like you. You can fall asleep wherever you want. I want to do that! Happy B’day.
• Dearest Dad. You had a dad bod before it was cool. Happy Birthday!
• Hey, Dad. Can I borrow some money? I mean….Happy Birthday (but can I still borrow some money?)!
B’day Wishes to Make Your Sister Laugh
• Happy birthday to my much much much much much much much older sister
• Happy birthday to my sister that has the best sister in the world
• I smile because I’m your sister. I laugh because there’s nothing you can do about it. Happy birthday!
• Two tips on your birthday. 1) Forget the past, you can’t change it. Forget the present, I didn’t get you one. Happy birthday, sis!!
• You are lucky I made all the mistakes for you first. You’re welcome and happy birthday!
• My Dear Sister, You are mum’s second favorite child… Guess who is no. #1 . . . 🙂 Happy birthday!
• Happy birthday little sister. You’re hardly annoying at all anymore.
• Happy birthday, sis! Hope your day is as fun and amazing as I am……Good luck with that!
Happy Birthday Notes For Your Brother
• Happy birthday, bro. I love how we don’t have to say out loud how obvious it is I’m your favourite sister.
• Happy birthday to the man who is like the little sister I never had!
• Happy birthday to a brother who has the world’s greatest bro. Dang, you’re lucky!
• Happy 24 hours of facebook notifications bro! Have a good day!
• Happy birthday to mum and dad’s second favourite child!
• You’re older today than yesterday, but younger than tomorrow. Happy B’day bro!
• Brother, I know it isn’t easy being related to someone who is as bright, talented and good-looking as me. Happy birthday.
• As far as brother’s go, you’re alright. But that hugging crap has to stop or this birthday will be your last.
Funny Birthday Quotes For Your Besties
• Happy birthday to my best friend. May your day be filled with joy and laughter. Who am I kidding? Get drunk and party.
• Happy birthday, friend. Facebook didn’t tell me. I haven’t logged in yet I swear.
• Happy birthday to my best friend. Here’s to another year of laughing at our own jokes, dealing with special people and keeping us both sane.
• May your Facebook wall be filled with birthday wishes from people you’ve never met haven’t seen in years or genuinely couldn’t care less about
• It has been scientifically proven that too many birthdays’ kill you! Happy Birthday Friend!
• I will post a humorous birthday wish on your wall so all your friends think how funny and thoughtful I am. Yes, even your birthday is about me.
• May we be friends till we are old and senile. And then we will be new friends. Happy birthday!
Celebrating your birthday soon? Why not take your favourite images from the day and turn them into beautiful canvas prints to hang around your home, to remind your visitors you only get better with age. Get started today.