You’ve got a baby on the way and you’re at…
10 Cute As a Button Baby Shower Cakes
There are many special moments of a baby shower: the expectant mother opening her gifts; fun filled moments of the guests playing baby shower games; and heartfelt moments of advice shared and photos taken. But arguably one of the most anticipated moments of any baby shower is the moment when the baby shower cake is revealed.
Cake making and decorating has become more mainstream in recent years, with all sorts of everyday people – even people who don’t particularly like to cook – trying their hand at making cakes.
We scoured the web to find the most adorable, unique, and gush-worthy baby shower cakes for your viewing pleasure. Some of them come complete with tutorials for those of you who’d like to have a go at making them yourselves, whereas others are simply to inspire you and to provide you with ideas to pass along to your professional baker, or to give you a starting point at making your own baby shower cake.
A word of warning: while we were looking for adorable baby shower cakes we came across some truly horrifying baby shower cake abominations, and we couldn’t help but showcase some of those, too. Scroll down at your own peril!
Part 1: Cute As a Button Baby Cakes
1. Clothes on the Washing Line
The cake is fantastic but it’s that little brown icing teddy bear that we couldn’t look past.
2. Blocks and Toys
By Confections, Cakes and Creations!
Here’s another adorable handcrafted icing teddy bear, as well as yellow rubber ducky. Surely they would have to be saved as mementos of this baby shower cake: who could bring themselves to eat the little yellow ducky?
3. Duckies in the Bath
The perfect shower cake for someone wishing to avoid the cutesie overload of pastel colours and bows and ribbons. It’s completely clever and every element has been painstakingly added to create the overall effect.
4. A Boy’s Cake
If you know that you’re having a boy and you’re proudly that you’re having a boy and you want the whole world to know you’re having a boy, this baby shower cake will send that message loud and clear.
5. Nightie-Night Sky
From: Cakes we Bake
Owls are a slightly less common baby motif, so we love how unique this cleverly decorated baby shower cake is.
6. Paisley Delight
The paisley colours and subtle details are delightful, as is the tiny sleeping bub resting on top.
7. Bold Layers
From Cake me Away Cakery
It’s rare to see such bold colours on a baby shower cake, and we love the differentiated details on each layer. The frills on the top layer are particularly clever!
8. Timeless Nursery Rhymes
At first glance we couldn’t believe how fantastic Mother Goose looks, and then our eyes went to Humpty Dumpty and these cute little sheep. But then we realised that those books are actually cakes, and we couldn’t get over just how clever the cake maker was to create such realistic looking cake layers.
9. Baby Girl’s Bath Time
The wry smile on the baby girl and the old-fashioned shower hose, plus those little white soap bubbles that double as pearl-like decoration throughout every layer of this cake, and that perfectly formed bow… this cake is truly a work of art.
10. Bee Themed Gender Reveal Cake
From As you like Cakes
Baby showers that include the big gender reveal moment are all the rage these days, so we wonder if this cake holds some hidden surprise: perhaps the cake underneath that beautiful bright yellow icing will be blue for a boy and pink for a girl, or perhaps the gender is not going to be revealed at this party, and the cake simply serves to remind guests that the expectant parents are waiting until the birth to find out the sex of their baby.
Part 2: Baby Shower Cake Abominations
11. Too Much Information
From eXplosion
Somebody thought this would be funny, but they were horribly, horribly wrong. What is that: jam? It’s the babies covered eye that we just can’t stop staring at.
12. Halloween Baby
If your baby is due on Halloween, or if you’re a diehard fan of Tim Burton’s The Nightmare Before Christmas, perhaps this baby shower cake would make sense. For other people, though, it’s a little creepy.
13. Dr Seuss’s House of Horrors
From eXplosion
Something tells us that Dr Seuss’s legal representatives did not approve this use of The Cat in the Hat’s image. The poor little guy looks about as embarrassed and nervous as we’re feeling right now. Why Trinny has opted to have a fictional mischievous naked-but-for-his-hat cat as her birthing coach is beyond us, as is why she is birthing her baby in a pool of glitter.
14. What A Crappy Baby Shower
From eXplosion
We’ve said this before, but it baffles us that someone thought this would be a good idea, and believed in their convictions so much that they went to all the trouble to execute them. We’re not sure that the inscription even makes sense: but that’s the least of the problems with this cake. Let’s just hope that the expectant mother was as amused by the end result as the cake maker obviously was.
15. Kermit the Frog’s Love Child
From eXplosion
Poor Baby Tristan. He’s got a hard life ahead of him, and this abomination of a baby shower cake is just the beginning.
16. Bye-Bye Baby
From eXplosion
Does that writing really say “Farewell Baby”? Why are we saying goodbye to the baby? If something tragic has happened, surely they’re not celebrating it with this hideous cake. And if the baby is shortly about to be born, shouldn’t we be saying hello rather than goodbye? Why is this cake-woman wearing lacy lingerie? Why have they further amputated her leg?
Please, promise us: when you choose or design your baby shower cake, you’ll draw inspiration from the first ten ideas in this article, and you will stay as far away from the last six ideas as you possibly can. The idea of a baby shower is to celebrate your impending new arrival with those nearest and dearest to you, not to horrify people and have them covering their mouths with their hands.
When you’ve created your nice, normal baby shower cake, celebrate your normalcy by creating a canvas print of your creation to remember it forever. Cakes get gobbled up, so take a photo and immortalise your cake on canvas to preserve the memories forever.